By: Gene "Chip" Tatum 12/28/96
Question: How do you get your hands on $3.8 Billion dollars
like George Bush.
Step 1: Find a depository which fits the following criteria:
1. Large cash reserves.
2. Much of the cash reserves represent deposits from an
illegal activity (ie. drug transactions). Banco Nacional de Panamá, a depository which
is protected by General Manuel Noriega. The depositor will be Pablo Escobar. Finding
the proper depository would be the function of the CIA, which will use William
Arrange for a loan from this depository. George Bush the person obtaining the loan in
the amount of $8 billion. Some times the
depository will not be very cooperative. If this occurs, the CIA will coerce or
intimidate the depository officials into cooperating. Ultimately, the loan will
be made.
Split the loan proceeds in half. One half ($4 billion) will
be sent to Iran to purchase "super bills" at the rate of two
"super bills" for one authentic bill. Thus, $4 billion in cash buys
$8 billion in "super bills." (NOTE: A "super bill" is a
perfectly counterfeited U.S. bill. These bills are printed by an Intaglio press
which was sold to the Shah of Iran in the late '60s, early '70s. The Shah was
also given the plates, ink and paper necessary to successfully print U.S.
dollars in large denominations. This was given to the Shah by the CIA.
Unfortunately, the Shah left the press, plates, ink and paper for the Iranian
Revolutionary Councils when he fled in late 1978.) The second half of the loan
($4 billion) will be sent to a CIA launderer selected by the CIA (Casey) for
his ability to move large sums of money around the world as a matter of
ordinary business. Banks owned by Nana Debusia. (Debusia is the grandson of
Guyana's first democratic leader and owner of many U.S. and foreign banks.)
Repay original loan to depository in "super
bills." (Give Banco Nacional de Panamá $8 billion in "super
bills" to replace the authentic currency it loaned.) These "super
bills" are placed in the reserve vault and, as long as they are not
withdrawn by the depositor, their existence will not jeopardize the value of
the U.S. dollar. But, because they are perfect in every way, to put the
"super bills" in circulation would eventually devalue the U.S. dollar
by flooding the monetary marketplace with U.S. currency.
Arrange to sell Iran something of value for the authentic
currency used to purchase the "super bills." How do we get the money
out unnoticed? We will use arms, ammunition and replacement parts for military equipment.
(We use Oliver North a person arranging
the sale of arms to Iran.) In other words, the CIA now arranges to sell Iran $4
billion worth of arms and equipment in order to get the original $4 billion of
authentic currency back. Now, the CIA has $4 billion to use in funding covert
activities without relying on Congressional authority and funding. If caught,
the CIA can report the source of funds as being from an arms transaction with
Ensure that the "super bills" are not withdrawn.
This is done through the process of neutralization of the depositor.
Neutralization is the use of intimidation, coercion or intimidation. In this
example, Pablo Escobar is killed.
This CIA launderer in possession of one-half of the original
loan proceeds is moving his $4 billion through a maze of banks which are
cooperative with both the launderer and the CIA. U.S. will use the following
trail of deposits to banks: a bank in Spain; the Vatican Bank; banks in
Luxembourg. Then the launderer wires from his London offices $3.8 billion in
laundered monies to private numbered accounts being controlled by the original
architects. The launderer keeps $200 million for his job well done, leaving the
$3.8 billion in the numbered accounts.
Neutralize the CIA launderer. Nana Debusia was indicted by
the U.S. on 32 counts to include bank fraud. The CIA stepped up in his behalf
and stated that it would not be in the best interest of the U.S. to prosecute
Debusia. He was facing several hundred years in prison if convicted. He was
subsequently acquitted on all counts.
$4 billion for use in unauthorized black ops* (*black
operations are those covert operations performed without the knowledge or
authority of Congress.) $3.8 billion in private numbered accounts controlled by
the architects of the funding operation.
To summarize the example, the Director of the CIA, William
Casey, approached the Ex-Director of the CIA and current Vice President of the
United States, George Bush, with the name of a vulnerable depository, the Banco
Nacional de Panamá. Vice President Bush then arranged for a short term loan of
$8 billion. Bush arranged for $4 billion to go to Iran to purchase super bills
and $4 billion to go to Nana Debusia to be laundered into several private
accounts. He (Bush) commissioned Oliver North to oversee the Iranian
connection. North delivered $4 billion in U.S. currency to Iran. Iran gave
North $8 billion in super bills in exchange for the $4 billion in good U.S.
currency. North then delivered the $8 billion in super bills back to the Banco
Nacional de Panamá. The loan transaction is now complete. There is $8 billion
in super bills in the reserve vaults of the Banco Nacional de Panamá, there is
$4 billion in authentic U.S. currency in the hands of the Iranians, and there
is $4 billion in good currency with CIA launderer Nana Debusia. North sells the
Iranians military hardware and parts for the amount of $4 billion and diverts a
portion of the proceeds to the Contras of Nicaragua (Iran/Contra). Nana
Debusia, in the meantime , is laundering the deposits of $4 billion through
various banks, including the Vatican's bank in Italy. After several successful
banking transactions, Debusia presents $3.8 billion in the sound deposits to
numbered accounts in various locations. When the funding operation is complete,
there is $4 billion in CIA accounts to be utilized for covert and black
operations; there is $3.8 billion in private numbered accounts controlled by
George Bush and William Casey. Pablo Escobar, the primary depositor is dead to
ensure no one will withdraw the super bills. General Noriega is in U.S. federal
prison and under constant U.S. guard to ensure his silence, and William Casey
is dead, leaving $3.8 billion in good U.S. currency in the control of George
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