Friday, September 16, 2016

The only videos you need to watch that proves 9-11 WTC Buildings and Building 7 were Controlled Demolition.

Government can not hide all the videos shot that day showing and proving this was not an attack, but planned out bye our own Government.

How they EASILY Rigged the WTC Towers and Building 7 for Controlled Demolition 

It is no secret that people in this world are fucking crazy. Today’s example of that: JET FUEL DOESN’T MELT STEEL BEAMS.

‘Experts’ are saying it is impossible that the towers were brought down by planes.

1. Fires do not usually reach temperatures hot enough to make a steel structure collapse.

2. Most high-rise buildings have sprinkler systems that prevent a fire from getting to a critical level.

3. Skyscrapers are protected using flame-proof materials so they do not collapse.

The video compares the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings (North and South Towers and Building 7) with controlled demolitions.


Video below shows How they EASILY Rigged the WTC Towers for Demolition 


WTC Demolition Flashes (Caught on Tape)


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