Saturday, October 1, 2016

TREASON: Obama Releases Terrorist Responsible For Murdering 17 American Sailors

September 29, 2016   ETF News

Sabri was believed to have been involved in both the surveillance of the Cole ahead of the attack and the preparation of the weapon used in the attack, which was conducted by packing a small fishing boat with explosives and ramming into the side of the naval destroyer. 

One can’t help but ask “what manner of leader would release a murderous terrorist for nothing more than political expediency’?
The answer of course is Barack Obama, and his continued obsession in emptying out the Guantanamo Bay military detention facility in Cuba at all costs regardless of the morally deprived individuals being released.
However this latest obscenity even within the pro Obama media has sparked both concern and outrage.
According to Front Page Mag, the jihadist scum who was just released from Gitmo and sent to Saudi Arabia was a Yemeni national named Mashur Abdallah Ahmed al Sabri.
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Sabri bears direct responsibility for the deaths of 17 U.S. sailors in the October, 2000, terrorist attack on the USS Cole off the coast of Yemen.
As to Sabri, he is being released despite being labeled as a high risk terrorist who ”is likely to pose a threat to the U.S., its interests, and allies,” and being known as “a member of a Yemeni al-Qaida cell directly involved with the USS Cole attack.”
Photo published for USS Cole commander blasts transfer of Al Qaeda Gitmo detainees to Saudi Arabia 
Sabri was believed to have been involved in both the surveillance of the Cole ahead of the attack and the preparation of the weapon used in the attack, which was conducted by packing a small fishing boat with explosives and ramming into the side of the naval destroyer.

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