1861 -1871
As you will see, all your inalienable rights have been taken away from you without you knowing. Learn the term "LEGALESE" The formal and technical language of Law in legal documents. Notice the style of words; capital letters like your driver license, social security card, court documents. Your name is printed in all caps for a reason. It all comes down to: Big "C" vs. Little "c" as you will soon find out.
United States vs.
united States of America
"UNITED STATES". This term has several
(1) It may merely be the name of a sovereign occupying the position
analogous to that of other sovereigns in the family of nations.
(2) It may
designate territory over which sovereignty of the United States extends; or,
(3) it may be the collective name of the states which are united by and under
the Constitution." Hooven & Allison Co. vs. Evatt, 65 S.Ct. 870, 880,
324 U.S. 652, 89 L. Ed. 1252."
United States
THE FIRST (1) "United States" is as a sovereign
among the nations of the World under International Law (a nation amongst
nations). It consists of (1) the Union States and (2) the Federal zone
(District of Columbia, U.S. territories and possessions, forts, magazines,
arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings), and is represented
collectively in the international arena by the U.S. Consuls abroad as one and
the same entity. The flag that properly represents it in the world arena is
"Old Glory".
THE SECOND (2) "UNITED STATES" in Hooven, supra, was
created by the Constitution in Art. I, Section 8, Clauses 17 & 18. This
second “United States" received further authority when under Art. IV,
Section 3, Clause 1 & 2, "to dispose of and make all needful Rules and
Regulations respecting the territory or other Property belonging to this United
States" but it gave no authority to Congress to extend its municipal
authority into the Union States. The latter gave Congress power to extend its
jurisdiction (law making powers) beyond the limits of the District of Columbia
over which Congress was to exercise "exclusive Legislation" to
include the former territories such as the Northwest territory, Alaska, Hawaii,
and the Philippine Islands, and currently, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico,
the Virgin Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, and other territories,
possessions, areas and enclaves.
Its flag is the Stars and Stripes with the
yellow fringe representing a plenary Martial Law jurisdiction. The geographical
area known as the "United States" (DC) has its own citizens (United
States vs. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 588) who are generally referred to as United
States citizens. The yellow-fringed flag signifying this jurisdiction is not
for decorative purposes. It signifies the jurisdiction of the District, also
known as the Corporate U.S. Federal that has been extended into the Union states
by the 14th Amendment. (14th Amend. was never passed legally.)
This is the flag of the Democracy. It should be obvious
to everyone who observes the flag next to his Senator or Representative from
Washington D.C. that they represent the Districts interest in the area of his
constituency and not the other way around. When the function of the Circuit
Courts of the United States of America was changed to appellate status by
another layer of courts, these courts were labeled United States District
Courts-- the courts of the District. Where are the courts of the United States
America sitting today? They do not exist.
united States of America
THE THIRD (3rd) "united States" (of America)
described in Hooven, supra, are the 50 Union states united by and under the
Constitution. This "3rd united States" (of America) is known as the
Republic. Its flag is "Old Glory." In the Constitutional Courts, the
civil authority of the Constitution is signified by the Stars and Stripes hung
vertically behind the bench, just as it hangs behind the Speaker's Chair in the
House of Representatives. Why, one might logically ask, is such a flag not
found in our courtrooms today? Because they are not Constitutional.
The Republic has Citizens of its own called American
Nationals. Those are the Sovereign Citizens who qualify as such by being
Members of the Posterity referred to in the Preamble and can only be the
Natural Born or Naturalized
White Inhabitants of each state whose forefathers
delegated by solemn agreement certain powers to the Congress of the
"United States" (D.C.), which powers are limited to those delegated
in Art. I, Section 8, Clauses 1-16 and Art. IV, Section 3, Clause. 2, though
today unlawfully expanded far beyond Constitutional limits by (1)usurpation,
and (2) deception of benefits (by contract) which American Nationals unwittingly
and unknowingly enter on the other hand.
When legislating for the third "(3rd) united
States" (of America) all powers not enumerated in Art. 1, Section 8,
Clauses 1-16, are reserved for those sovereign States, and the Citizens of
those Republics, by the 9th and 10th Amendments to the Constitution of these
united States of America (In Union). The Founding Citizens of the Republic gave
very limited powers to the Congress of the United States to legislate for the
geographical area known above as the "3 Union States", described in
the Hooven case, supra. These legislative powers are limited to being exclusive
within the area of its jurisdiction that power possessed by any one of
the legislatures of the 50 states of the Union when legislating for its
responsive geographical area. However, when legislating for the 50 Union states
collectively as a nation, Congress is bound by the chains of the Constitution
and must remain inside the jurisdictional boundaries of Art. 1, Clause 8, Cls.
1-16, "and out of the jurisdiction of any particular State" [18
U.S.C. Clause 7 (1), (5), & (7), see particularly Clause 7 (3)].
An Act of Congress to
Re-Define “Person” in America*
On July 1, 1862, when 11 southern states were not
represented in Congress due to its Civil War, the remaining members of Congress
passed “An Act to provide Internal Revenue to support the Government and to pay
Interest on the Public Debt.” Therein Congress assigned an artificial meaning
to the word “person” as follows. “And be it further enacted, that on and after the first day of August, Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-Two, every individual, partnership, firm, association, or
corporation, (and any word or words in this act indicating or referring to person or persons
shall be taken to mean and include partnerships, firms, associations, or corporations,
when not otherwise designated or manifestly incompatible with the intent thereof,).”
Thirty-Seventh Congress. Sess. II. Chap. CXIX. Page 432. Sec. 68. (p. 459.)
Four years later the 1868 Fourteenth Amendment was allegedly
ratified. The Supreme Court’s anti-constitutional interpretation of the
“person” therein will be forthcoming. And a mere five years later Congress once
again assigned an artificial meaning to “person” in, once again, an Internal
Revenue Act, the relevant portion quoted below. “And where not otherwise distinctly expressed or manifestly
incompatible with the intent thereof, the word, “person,” as used in this title, shall be construed
to mean and include a partnership, association, company, or corporation, as well as a natural
person.” Forty- Third Congress (1873), Session I, Volume 18, Part 1 - Title XXXV.
Internal Revenue. Chapter One. Page 601, Section 3140.
The above-cited 1862 and 1873 Internal Revenue acts
effectively demonstrate the intent of Congress to assign an artificial meaning
to “person” just before and after the Fourteenth Amendment, an important fact
when considering the possible grounds for the Supreme Court’s corresponding
interpretation of the “person” of that amendment.
Furthermore, by not specifically identifying corporations
and the like as “artificial persons” as they have been historically known,
Congress opened the door for future laws to be written without clarity of
meaning or application –“person” meaning a human being or “artificial person”
meaning a legal entity. Consequently, such laws necessarily would be vague, and
therefore a violation of due process as explained by the Supreme Court in
Connally v. General Construction Co., 269 U.S. 385 (1926) previously cited.
This open door also allowed for the courts to expand the meaning for “person”
far beyond its normal and ordinary meaning.
*Excerpt from “Sins of the State” by Richard Mark Voudren
An Act of Congress to Re-Define
“State” in *America*
Prior to the Fourteenth Amendment the Government of
the United States existed as a limited Representative government created by the
several states united, possessing only those enumerated powers granted to it by
the states. All other powers not expressly delegated to the United States by
the Constitution were reserved to the States, or to the People respectively
pursuant to Amendments IX and X.
However, beginning with the second unofficial
re-construction act revealed herein, whereby Congress re-constructed the
meaning for “state”, coupled with the 1867 Reconstruction Acts, designed “to
change the entire structure and character of the State governments . . . by
force” according to President Johnson, and culminating in the Fourteenth
amendment, that republican form of government/16 was destroyed. As a consequence, the several states united were
reduced in status to mere territorial districts called “states”, and made
completely subject to Congress.
In 1864, when the so-called Civil War was near its end, Congress
passed “An Act to provide Internal Revenue to support the Government and to pay
Interest on the Public Debt, and for other Purposes.” Therein Congress
re-constructed the word “state” as follows, with words in brackets having been
added for the purpose of clarifying how this anti-constitutional legislation
should be properly read and interpreted –in a jurisdictional sense.
Chap. CLXXIII. –“An Act to provide Internal Revenue to
support the Government, to pay Interest on the Public Debt, and for other Purposes.
Sec. 182. And be it further enacted, that wherever the word state
[jurisdiction] is used in this act, it shall be construed to include the
[jurisdictions of the] territories and the District of Columbia, where such
construction is necessary to carry out the provisions of this act.” Public Acts
of the Thirty- Eighth Congress of the United States. Sess.1. Ch. 173, 174.
1864. (13 Stat. 223).
Constitutional Law
Territories, power of the United States over, as plenary (full, entire, complete, absolute) In exercising its constitutional power to
make all needful regulations respecting the territory belonging to the (2nd)
United States, Congress is not subject to the same Constitutional limitations
as when it is legislating for the 3rd states of the Union. Hooven & Allison
Co. vs Evatt, supra; Downes vs. Bidwell 182 U.S. 244
Constitutional Guaranties as extended to territories.
"In general the guarantees of the Constitution, save as they are
limitations upon the exercise of excessive legislative power, when exerted for
or over the insular possessions of the United States, extend to them only as
Congress, in the exercise of its legislative power over territories belonging
to the United States, has made those guarantees applicable." Hooven &
Allison Co. vs. Evatt, supra. i.e., The Court states that the rights of those
within Congress's sphere at exclusive jurisdiction are mere
"privileges" extended them at the whim of Congress.
Those who live in the District of Columbia, its enclaves,
territories, or possessions, and those who live in the ceded areas of the
several states (called "federal areas or enclaves") are known as #2
United States citizens. They are true federal citizens. From the standpoint of
Constitutional law Congress has 100% control over the lives of All #2 United
States citizens whenever they reside in the several states, or elsewhere, and
their rights are subject to Congress's exclusive legislative authority.
Such rights are called "civil rights". This type
of government is a "Legislative Democracy", the object of which,
since the illegal passage of the 14th Amendment, has been to rob Natural Born Citizens of
their birthright and bring all Americans into the Democracy under the legislative
authority of Congress as a single group under authoritarian rule --contrary to
the intent of the Organic Constitution. In contrast, white people living in the
Union States (the Republic) are not under the Congress's legislative authority
and are known as American Nationals.
They are citizens of the (3rd) united States of America. The
reason that the federal government prefers that everyone submit to its
authority "voluntary" under the 14th Amendment through participation
in Social Security is that the IRS can lawfully tax only federal #2 United
States citizens, its employees and those others who willingly contract with it
and not #3 American Nationals who chose not to. Its authority does not lawfully
extend to the latter unless they "voluntarily" place themselves under
the "private commercial law" of CORPORATE U.S. FEDERAL by contracting
with it by such a simple and subtle means as merely using Federal Reserve Notes
and associated commercial paper instruments.
Included in this latter group are those Whites who elected
to be 14th Amendment citizens by "voluntarily" entering into
unilateral contracts with the federal government by contracting for Social
Security Old Age Insurance, obtaining licenses, privileges, etc, and by
"voluntarily" making W-4 and 1040 contracts annually. This is what is
meant by their claim that the federal income tax is "voluntary". In
this way, those who "volunteer" themselves into federal contracts
place themselves under the authority of Congress's powers to regulate commerce
under Art. 1, Clause 8, Cl.3, subjecting themselves to the federal income tax.
Thus the federal government ultimately obtains legal title to all of our
property and total control over our lives leaving us with only the equitable
interest so long as we perform the terms of our contracts.
A serious breach of
the contract means the loss of our equity; i.e., the government will take our
property. The 1st clause of the 14th Amendment created a subject matter enclave
jurisdiction to "artificially" create citizens not circumscribed by
the Organic Law (Negroes, corporations, licensees, etc.) and placed them
directly under municipal authority of Congress so that wherever they might
"reside" in any one of the several states, territories, or
possessions, they are within the scope of Congress's legislative authority as
their existence is a federal state created privilege.
Since the nations bankruptcy in 1933-- and the subsequent
overthrow of the Constitution in 1933--through our government will not
"openly and officially" admit it-- its position is that all Natural
Born Citizens are also "subjects" with jurisdiction acquired by our
"voluntary" contractual participation in Worldwide Social Insurance.
Accordingly, all races are considered joined together as 14th Amendment (D.C.)
citizens, "subjects" since being "enrolled" into Commerce
by their "birth certificate", and by subsequently confirming their
consent, when "applying for" such Unilateral Contracts as the Drivers
and Marriage Licenses, Social Security Application, Selective Service and
Voters' Registration, Bank Accounts, Credit Applications, W-4, and 1040 Income
Tax Contracts, etc. for those who would chose to follow Satan, God provided
flaws in the Constitution -- Art. 1 Clause 8, Cls 3, 17, & 18, and Art. 1,
Clause 10, Cl. 1- - for the International Bankers to discover , to humble
Christian Americans who would turn their backs on their God to worship the
strange gods of greed, power, prestige, sex, the sports world, etc.- - their
idols of materialism - - all violations of the First Commandment.
When a
Natural Born Citizen with a SS# refuses to sign a 1040 contract the federal
courts will rule that he has " a know legal duty" which compels him
to contract with government without ever requiring the government to produce
the laws that make him liable for the tax and require the affirmative act of
filing. Such quasi- coerced and compelled "commercial agreements"- -
though entered out of fear - - need only be entered voluntarily and
intentionally to have validity. The fact that he did not enter the agreement
knowingly is immaterial.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
It has taken concerned American Nationals 62 years to figure
out why our Constitutional protections have been legislated away since 1913 by
a Congress initially ordained with no such powers. Under the Common Law,
violations require an injured party (a Corpus Delicti), and contracts must be
entered Knowingly, Willingly, and with full knowledge of informed consent
(intentionally). Having done so unknowingly or unwillingly could not have
resulted in any forfeiture of unalienable Rights that would bring about a loss
of property (labor) or liberty (held in captivity) as has been the case
resulting from alleged Internal Revenue Code violations by American Nationals.
Such an insidious plot perpetrated against American Nationals could only have
been conceived and hatched in the mind of Satan. How did this
system of Commercial Law develop? It developed as a result of the use of the
introduction and use of Federal Reserve Notes (Commercial Paper). In pursuance
of our use of this "Commercial Paper" the courts in our country are
proceeding under the old Negotiable Instruments Low which has been codified
into the Uniform Commercial Code and subsequently adopted by all the states.
A Federal Reserve Note dollar is a fictional instrument a
"colorable" dollar, and not the lawful dollar described in Clause 9
of the Coinage Act of 1792, (371-1/4 grains of .999 silver.) Common Law and
Equity use gold and silver; Admiralty use gold only. All systems of law
described in the Constitution are based on substance. No system of law that
uses paper can be genuine - - -therefore it is a "colorable" system
of law. So the Banksters and the Bar Association invented this new
"colorable" jurisdiction to support this colorable law called
"statutory law" which operates not according to "Public
Law" but according to "Public Policy".
For many years Patriots
thought that because this statutory jurisdiction followed Admiralty rules it
was an Admiralty jurisdiction. Not so! The only reason the Banksters did not
enforce the Bankruptcy of 1933 by 1938 and foreclose on this and other bankrupt
nations is that they did not have control of the guns. So you see why it is
today that gun control is our government’s paramount objective through
deception of anti-terrorism legislation?
Our servants of the Public Trust have long ignored the
meaning of the 9th and 10th Amendments and the Concept of "unalienable
Rights" so eruditely stated by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence
for the benefit of the People of this nation and their Posterity. Our Natural
and Unalienable Rights run much deeper than those so called "civil
rights" regulated by Congress through the 14th Amendment, [Proof of this
among others is the duplicate due process clause provided therein for its
citizen "subjects”] If we expect to claim our Rights it is our individual
responsibility to see that the Bill of Rights is enforced and that those
violating our Rights are tried for Treason. ] Truly, we are engaged in a
spiritual battle.
The situation that presently exists in the 50 Union States is
the very reason the 2nd Amendment was written - - so that the contract called
the Constitution could be enforced by the People (i.e. the state 3 Citizens). Obviously, to extend the taxing powers beyond their
constitutionally authorized limits. Everybody knows that:" The District of
Columbia is not a state within meaning of the Constitution" [U.S. vs.
Virginia (1805)] like the 50 states of the Union, and yet it is referred to in
all the (2) United States Codes as a "State", meaning the corporate
and statutory venue of the Union. The District of Columbia is a corporation
which is also known as the "1 & 2 United States." It must have
its own definition for "state" since it 1 & 2 and the territorial
States were not formed as Union States (3) by and under the Constitution. It is
the primary entity owning Guam, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, American
Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, the Virgin Islands, etc., which are
federal States.
Nevertheless, the federal courts are unconstitutionally
enforcing the jurisdiction of CORPORATE U.S. FEDERAL (2) entity upon the entire
geographical area of the Union states (3) as if they were under Congress'
exclusive legislative authority (see 18 U.S.C. Clause 3231, with its Cross
References referring the reader to 18 U.S.C. Clause 7, @ (3). The law is clear
on this point, but the courts won't enforce it.
Here are the facts concerning
the term "United States" when used in the federal tax code (Title 26)
which has its own peculiar definitions (called terms of art) written by the
craftiest of legal minds, and paid by our tax dollars to defraud us, the
American People, of our labor property.
1.) "United States" does not mean the fifty states
of the Union except in two extremely limited areas which deal with excise on taxesarticles and goods.
2.) "United States" means "federal areas"
within the fifty states of the Union which are ceded to the "United
States" and under the municipal authority of the Congress seated in
Washington, D.C., but it does not include the entire geographical areas of the
several states of the Union. 171
3.) "United States" means the possessions of the
District of Columbia which are its States - - -Guam, Puerto Rico, American
Samoa, and the Virgin Islands. It does not mean the 50 Union States.
4.) The numbers 2 and 3 above are called "States"
but are not to be confused with the states of the Union, such as Ohio, Indiana,
and Kentucky. The "Internal Revenue Code" is purposely written to
mislead and is purposefully misconstrued by the courts in the interest of
promoting "Public Policy".
5.) "United States" are: Congress assembled at home
(the seat of government), the District of Columbia and its territories (termed
States in the IRS Code) and its possessions (ceded areas, military posts, navy
yards, etc.) called federal enclaves.
6.) "United States Citizen" does not mean a Natural
Born Citizen who is an American National. State Inhabitants who live in the
Common Law venue and jurisdiction of one of the 50 Union States are not
"subject to" the income tax laws unless they either work for the
federal government [see 26 U.S.C. Clause 6331(?)] and thus are compelled to pay
a Kickback for the contractual privilege received. Or they are those who
produce alcohol, or tobacco under Title 27, the Stamp Tax Act.
The District of Columbia is referred to as a
"State" in the Income tax laws and Social Security laws, as well as
in all other codes of the "United States" to purposely leave the law
open to interpretation so the courts can "mold" it in the interest of
"Public Policy" under the Colorable Law of the Uniform Commercial
Code. Federal Law Distinguishes How our government complies with the law while
promulgating the fraud...
Do they know the difference? You bet they do! And the
following law proves it. From the Code of Civil Procedure 28 United States
Code: Section 1746 Unsworn declarations under penalty of perjury.
"Wherever, under law of the United States, or any rule, regulation, order,
or requirement made pursuant to law, any matter is required or permitted to be
supported by him, as true under penalty of perjury, and dated in substantially
the following form.
(COMMON LAW VENUE jurisdiction that of the Republic)
1) If executed without the United States: "I
declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury under the laws
of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on (date). (Signature)"
(STATUTORY VENUE jurisdiction of the District Of Columbia that
of the Democracy)
2) If executed within the United States, its territories,
possessions, or commonwealths: "I declare (or certify, verily, or state)
under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on
(date) (Signature) [emphasis mine]
The writers of the Code of Civil Procedure in
(1) above are referring to the Common Law venue and jurisdiction (that of the
Republic), and in (2) above, the statutory venue and jurisdiction of the
District Of Columbia (that of the Democracy) -- not just whether one is inside
or outside of the country -- but whether one is legally situated inside or
outside the Republic, through your ignorance in this instance will never be
Please also note that when government employees and agents sign
documents they are only required to swear that the information is true, correct
and NOT "Complete" as is required of those United States
citizens/"subjects" who submit 1040 contracts because of their
so-called "voluntary" relationships with the District. That should
incline one to inquire just who considers whom the master and whom the servant
in this relationship. A word to the wise....
Are YOU a Union state Citizen or
Federal U.S. “citizen”?
If you look through the copy of the United
States constitution,
you'll notice something very interesting. The word
"Citizen" is always capitalized until you get to the Fourteenth Amendment, which was adopted in 1868. After that, it's no longer capitalized.
This isn't an isolated occurrence either.
In the definition of "Dred Scott
Case," a Supreme Court case decided before the Fourteenth Amendment, they
capitalize "Citizen," but everywhere else in the dictionary, where it
refers to the laws of today, the word isn't capitalized. As you shall see, this
is just one small indicator of many that the fourteenth amendment created a new
class of citizen.
This is certainly no secret to the legal community. In fact,
under the definition of "Fourteenth Amendment" it says, "The
Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States... creates... a
citizenship of the United States as distinct from that of the states..."
This class of "citizen of the United States" was new; it was unknown
to the constitution prior to 1868.
This wasn't the status of our forefathers.
In the first sentence of the definition of "United States" found in
Black's, it says, "This term has several meanings." Pursuing this
further, we find that one of the definitions is the "collective name of
the states which are united by and under the Constitution." This is what
the framers of the constitution meant by "Citizen of the United
States" - that is, the Citizen of one state is to be considered and
treated as a Citizen of every other state in the union. Used in another sense,
though, the term is simply the name of the federal government. This is what is
meant by "citizen of the United States in the fourteenth amendment":
Privileges and immunities clause of Fourteenth Amendment
protects only those rights peculiar to being citizen of federal government; it
does not protect those rights which relate to state citizenship.
However, the most important fact about this amendment is
that, although it created a new class of citizen, it did not have any effect on
Sovereign Citizens. Both classes still exist:
And this in turn was followed in 1868 by the adoption of the
Fourteenth Amendment, United States Code Annotated Amendment 14, declaring:
Both classes of citizen still exist. It's your right to be a
Sovereign Citizen, while it's a privilege to be a Fourteenth Amendment citizen,
and most importantly, it's up to you to determine which one you are, and which
one you want to be.
The 14th Amendment then had to create another
"position" for those persons for whom it was created. Scrutiny of the
14th Amendment reveals that persons encompassed thereby were
"subject" to jurisdiction thereof and may not "question"
the validity of the public debt.
Big "C" -- Little "c"
When this Nation was founded each of the individual States
of this union had their own Citizens (spelled with a capital "C").
Today, we have a second class of citizen (note the small "c"), the
14th Amendment citizen.
In law, every letter in a word is important. A word
capitalized may mean one specific thing, while the same word without
capitalization may mean something entirely different. In the case of
Citizenship (or citizenship), this is more certainly true.
There is a clear distinction between national and State
citizenship, U.S. citizenship does not entitle citizen of the privileges and
Immunities of the Citizen of the State. K. Tashiro v. Jordan, 256 P 545,
affirmed 49 S Ct 47, 278 US 123.
There are two Privileges and Immunity's Clauses in the Federal Constitution and Amendments, the first being found in Art. IV, and the
second in the 14th Amendment. Section 1, second sentence, clause 1. The
provision in Art. IV states that "The Citizens of each State shall be
entitled to all Privileges and Immunity's of Citizens in the several States,
while the 14th Amendment provides that "No State shall make or enforce any
law which shall abridge the privileges or immunity's of citizens of the United
States. 176
Note the lack of capitalization in the wording used in the
14th Amendment, this specifically means that the words "citizens,
privileges, immunity's" are not the same as in Article IV.
The State of California was admitted into the Union of the
United States in 1849; 9 Statutes at Large 452. It was admitted on an equal
footing with the original States in all respects whatsoever.
The State of California was required to have its own
Citizens, who were first State Citizens, and then as a consequence of State
Citizenship were American Citizens, known as Citizens of the United States. There
was no specific class as this, but for traveling and protection by the United
States government while out of the country, they were generally called Citizens
of the United States.
The Constitution for the United States of America (1787)
used the term "Citizen of the United States" in Article I, Section 2,
(capital "C"), and numerous other sections. This referred to the
Sovereign Political Body of State Citizens, this Citizen is entitled to all the
Privileges and Immunities of the Citizens of the several States under Article
Congress utilized the same term "citizen of the United
States" qualifying it with a small "c" to distinguish
"federal citizen" in the so-called 14th Amendment. These
"citizens" have only statutory rights granted by Congress. Thus, Congress and most of the Judiciary, without
distinction being properly brought forth have made rulings based upon the
federal "citizens" who are resident in a State, not State Citizens
domiciled within their own State.
It would see then, from the foregoing, that there are two
"classes" of citizens in this country:
1. Preamble Citizen: persons born or naturalized within the meaning
of the Organic Constitution and inhabiting one of the several Republics of the
United States who enjoy full citizenship of the Organic Constitution as
Citizens of the Republic which they inhabit.
2. Citizen "subject": persons enfranchised by the
14th Amendment who are born or naturalized in the United States within the
meaning of the 14th Amendment and are residing therein as a United States
citizen and are enjoying the privileges and immunities of "limited"
It is not my intention, in this article, to become
technically involved in citations for the information introduced here, but only
to outline an overview for those folks who claim "Constitutional
Rights" and then wonder why the legislatures, courts and police don't respond
in "kind" to these claims.
When one separates the classes among their appropriate
dividing lines, it appears that:
a. Have direct personal access to a God inspired, original
Constitution and it's restraints on government for the protection of life,
liberty and property.
b. Have direct personal access to the Article III courts
known as "justice courts" which deal with law.
2. Citizen "subjects":
a. Have representative access to the first eight amendments
as previewed by the 14th Amendment.
b. Have representative access to Article 1 courts, provided
by legislature, that are known as "legislative courts" which deal
with statutes and are served by bar members, or officers of the court, known as
My concern here stems from my observation that folks
involved with the preservation of our beloved Constitution are unaware of the
"limited" citizenship created by the 14th Amendment. Additionally,
these folks don't realize that they are, or have voluntarily become, citizen
subjects because of their acceptance of the "benefits" of limited
The main "benefit" that I will mention here is
Social Security. There are many other "benefits" such as the benefit
of "regulation by licensing" that give control of your children to
the State by making them "wards of the State" and subject to the
"regulation" of the "legislative courts" by statute, etc.
The intention of this article is to point out the apparent
difference in the classes of citizenship and the difference in the courts in
serving these classes. I have noticed that, in many publications, and also personal
conversations, people convey their feelings of alarm or despair in finding that
"the court" or "government" is in violation of the
Constitution without realizing that the court they are addressing is a
legislative court and does not hear cases based on justice, but rather, cases
based only on statute law.
I have noticed that, in many publications, and also personal
conversations, people convey their feelings of alarm or despair in finding that
"the court" or "government" is in violation of the
Constitution without realizing that the court they are addressing is a
legislative court and does not hear cases based on justice, but rather, cases
based only on statute law.
The reality of the following example of statute law is that
the statute specifies a speed limit to be held at 30 m.p.h. The only question
that can be entertained by the court is that of whether the accused did in fact
go faster than the limit. That is a yes or no question. The accused cannot try to
tell the court that it was a six lane highway on a clear day with no traffic in
sight and that his speed of 60 m.p.h. did not injure anyone. The court is not
obligated to hear that argument as it is not a justice court.
The final question then would seem to be "where is the
article III "justice" court and who can use it? I am very aware that
many of the folks reading this article are not going to be able to use the
justice courts, as they have natural or acquired deficiencies that will not
allow them Preamble Citizenship, 179 but for the people endowed with the proper qualifications,
it appears that the straight line approach of barring jurisdiction of
legislative courts (tribunals) through recession of contracts and declaration
of Article IV, Section 2 status is essential, as it appears that only Preamble
People can exercise the offices as set forth in the Organic Constitution.
Additionally, it seems that this same class (Preamble People) is the only class
that may claim the protection of the first ten Amendments as written.
Remember this the next time you show
up in one of their private “STATE OF’ franchise courtrooms:
The United States “citizen” has ONLY
privileges granted by the authority of the Federal Government. You have NO
“lawful” RIGHTS or CONSTITUTIONAL protections.
The 'Strawman',
also known as the Legal Person or Natural Person is the idea that a Fictitious
Legal Entity, called a PERSON, exists for purposes of Law and
is similar to a Company or Corporation in that it exists as a construct of
the imagination - it has no real body, and no soul to save, but for legal
purposes, carries similar rights and attributes to that of a Human Man or
These rights
include Ownership of Property, Lobbying the Government, Voting, and other
activities related to money. The PERSON allows us to function with
Limited Liability (read: Less Responsibility) Our primary
Legal Person, or "ID Card" consists of Birth Date, Eye color,
Hair colour, Height, Weight, and now Fingerprints and Retina-scans, as if
that's all we are. Nowhere on an ID Card are your Soul, or your Personality,
or your Hopes, Dreams or Capacity to Love ever mentioned...
emotional insecurities we have about our Bodies are magnified & exploited
through constant propaganda and advertising, while our media hammers away at
our psyche, "reminding" us that we are only Bodies, that bodies can
only be sexy or ugly, and that Bodies and their Parts must be regarded as
Possessions or Objects to be Owned.
In addition,
by Registering (signing over to the state) your Biological Property (your body
and the bodies of your children), creating a Birth Certificate (a Financial
Security Instrument representing proof of parental consent in signing
over the child) you are thus Consenting to the State's Ownership of
You and Your Children.
The State
then creates a child's very first Legal PERSON, with the parental
signing of the Birth Certificate, which is given a "commercial
value". If you have an older-style Birth Certificate, look on the Reverse
side of it, to see 3 points of interest.
1) A 6-10
digit Number that you have never used in your life.
2) The words
"Revenue Receipt" on the left side of this number.
3) The words
"For Treasury Purposes Only" on the right side of the number.
before the 1900's, people USED to write the evidence of a birth in their Family
This first
Legal Person attached to you, is known as a "NATIONAL
CITIZEN" which later becomes synonymous with being a "Government
Employee", when you SUBMIT (give in) an APPLICATION (to beg) for
REGISTRATION (to sign over your rights) to become a Sinner (by signing up for
the Fraud called Social Insurance or Social Security).
You then
receive your Employee ID # (also known as S.S.N. ) which creates another Person
called a "TAXPAYER". This means you consent to the
Income Tax Act, and now makes you liable for the Income Tax, in exchange for
the "Benefits" of being a Government Employee.
Strawman/Legal Person is thus the Evidence of your Signature (an oath)
and Consent to Obey a set of Acts or Statutes, usually located on paper
contract, or in a card form with your signature.
For example:
You sign for a "Drivers License" to create a Legal Person called a
"DRIVER", and have consented to follow the Traffic
Safety/Motor Vehicle Acts of your state or province. You sign up
for a "Bank Account" to create a Legal Person called an
"ACCOUNT HOLDER", usually providing your SIN # as part of your
"Identification" which consents to allowing access to your
bank account by court order to pay your Income Taxes by force!
You sign up
for "Voter Registration" to create Legal Person called a
"VOTER", which gets to vote for new Employee's and Presidents/Prime
Ministers for the Corporation your PERSON resides in, and thus consent
to the actions of your representative and their party, even if it means
going to war against an innocent foreign country, or proroguing their own
Parliament illegally!
There are
literally dozens, if not hundreds of different PERSONS you can be
holding, but none of them are YOU. PERSONS must RESIDE within another
Legal Entity, they cannot "Live" anywhere - that is why you are asked
if you are a Resident of CANADA or the UNITED STATES. Authorities are
not asking you, the Living Man or Woman if you Live in the Country, they are
asking if your Legal Person RESIDES (has the right to do business/work) within
their Corporation.
We have to
know what words mean when people claiming authority try to use Legal words to
control us. Legal dictionaries are different than regular dictionaries, because
Legal words carry Weight in Law, and are often defined completely differently
within various Acts, Statutes, and Legal dictionaries. It is literally another
language, which is why they call it Legalese.
can declare your Rights and stand upon them as a Sovereign Man or Woman by
filing "Notices of Understanding and Intent" and "Claims of
Right", example of both available on the Web. You must tailor your own
Notices and Claims to your own situation. It is not a simple cookie-cutter
upon your Sovereignty in court and winning is FACTUAL, but you must not fall
for their NAME GAME, where they try to get you to accept your LEGAL NAME, which
puts you in their jurisdiction. Doing that, in the eyes of the court, turns you
from a Living Human with Human Rights, into a Soulless Corporate Entity with No
Rights whatsoever.
The best
solution to win against the crooked and corrupt courts is to never go to court
and play their fixed game at all. If someone tries to use a Court Order against
you, make sure it is SIGNED by a JUDGE or it is INVALID. Most Court Orders
aren't actually signed, and officials use unsigned Court Order's as a
confidence trick to gain your consent!
There is no
silver bullet. There is no lazy way to learn about your rights. You must
Research and do your homework to REALLY learn what you are doing. Ignorantly
walking into court is like playing carelessly with a loaded handgun."
You are not
a PERSON. You are a Living Soul of Flesh and Blood. A PERSON has
Privileges that can be revoked while a Living Man or Woman has Rights that are
Inalienable! Knowing
THIS, is the first step to stopping the War Against Consciousness. This article
will go into the IRS use of meanings in their code. In fact, any agency of
government or the legislature of a state, or Congress that uses the word “TERM”
in its statutes is totally different from when the “TERM” is not used. WORDs
and TERMs are entirely two separate and distinct conveyances of ideas.
is used in a definition that signifies a special meaning to the words that
follow. For it is the man's idea alone, who is the proponent of the idea, who
is to define the meaning of that specific term “means” in his mind. It can be a
totally different definition than what you are accustomed to using even when
using the exact same “word.” As we move along you will see it is really not
that hard to grasp the differences between a “word” and a “term.”
TERM. A word or phrase; an expression;
particularly one which possesses a fixed or known meaning in some science, art,
or profession.
WORDS. Symbols indicating idea and subject
to contraction and expansion to meet the idea sought to be expressed. * * * As
used in law, this term generally signifies the technical terms and phrases
appropriate to particular instruments, or aptly fitted to the expression of a
particular intention in legal instruments. See the subtitles following.
ART. The vocabulary
or terminology of a particular art or science, and especially those expressions
which are idiomatic or peculiar to it. See Cargill v Thompson, 57, Minn. 534,
59 N.W. 638
consists of two columns so only the pertinent parts are cited. However, read
the entire definition in that book so you cannot say I am picking and choosing.
However, that's exactly what the enemy (the government) does.
TERM. 1. A limit; a bound or boundary; the
extremity of anything; that which limits it extent.
7. In grammar,
a word or expression; that which fixes or determines ideas.
14. In contracts,
terms in the plural, are conditions; propositions stated or promises made,
which when assented to or accepted by another, settle the contract and bind the
WORD. 1. An articulate or vocal sound or a
combination of articulate or vocal sounds, uttered by the human voice, and by
custom expressing an idea or ideas; a single component of human speech or
Notice that
"term" is defined in both dictionaries quite similarly. Term
pinpoints the idea exactly and must be specific and cannot be expanded or
contracted upon. However, "word" is quite differently defined in the
standard dictionary of common words we all use. When we converse on the street,
in the home, in the store we use common words which are not terms. Term is
limiting to a specific idea. Only “words” can be expanded or contracted upon
whereas terms cannot. Now refer to Black's above and note that they used
"TERM" and not 184 "word"
in the definition of WORD. Most people would never catch it unless shown. This
is how closely you have to read the past masters of deceit who are lawyers.
What is
white to you is black to them in the words employed in their "Words of
Art." This is never more evident than in the definitions in the IR Code.
Please note that every definition (7701) starts with "The TERM---".
Once you understand TERM is a clue to words of art employed after the word term,
you have half the battle won. That means throw out the standard dictionary
definition we are all use to seeing and go by what they, the writers of the
law, mean. They never say "The WORD" when they start the definition
in any 7701 (a) part, now do they? Or for that matter anywhere else in the code
definitions. It has to be term in order to make words work against you and for
them, as they write the definitions, not us.
I suggest
everyone take a look at IRC 7701(a) (28) OTHER TERMS. -- Any term used
in this subtitle with respect to the application of, or in connection with, the
provisions of any other subtitle of this title shall have the same meaning
as in such provisions. The case of
the TERM, not word, "Resident" it is legally defined in United States
v. Penelope, 27 Fed. Case No. 16024, which states:
admitting that the common acceptance of the word and its legal
technical meaning are different, we must presume that Congress meant
to adopt the latter.” page 487. "But
this is a highly penal act, and must have strict construction. * * * The
question seems to be whether they inserted 'resident' without the legal meaning
generally affixed to it. If they have omitted to express their meaning, we
cannot supply it.", page 489.
No one asks what words are in the code because
we blindly use the common accepted use of that word that we all use in every
day speech. This gives the IRS an edge because the idea written is specifically
technical as stated by the court in the case above. So IRS moves by
presumption, against the man by calling him a "person" that is
defined in the code at section 7343, but the man assumes he is a person in
common words and not terms of the law writer. Now this is where the use of the
word "including" by IRS, means restricted to that specific meaning and
cannot be expanded upon.
The use of the word TERM quite clearly states it is
not a "WORD" that can be expanded or contracted upon when reading the
definition in the above dictionaries. Therefore, including cannot be expanded
upon to mean any more than what is described by the 'TERM." If it could be
expanded the definition would look like this, Person. Person shall be
construed to mean and include * * *. Or it could look like this Person.
The word person shall be construed to mean and include * * * In either case
the word can be expanded or contracted while the use of TERM cannot.
is a TERM and is a word of art that does not pertain to Man. Man is never
referenced in any tax code; a "person" is a Man that has taken
on the artificial character of a legal entity and is subject to the tax. That
Man is an artificial “person” and to define him as such they use the
term of art "natural person" in order to separate him from a
paper corporation such as IBM who could never be a "natural person,"
just a "person" as defined in the 7701(a) definition. So, now
the man who is not a taxpayer, in the sense we know, actually makes the IRS
presumption stick when declaring he is a "natural person."
Remember, in law, and nowhere else, the word "person" means a
legal entity of artificial character. So you state you are a
"natural" artificial (person) compared to a fictional
corporation (person).
For instance
in 7701 (a) 10, State is a TERM and not a WORD. Therefore, it is defined
exactly like the words employed and no more. State is exactly what is written,
that is the District of Columbia. It does NOT include any of the states of the
Union as it cannot be expanded upon as it is not a WORD but a "TERM"
already defined as the idea of the law writer. In 7701 (a) (9) the United
States is only the district of Columbia and only the states 185
that the
United States owns such as those described in 26 U.S.C. 3121 (e) (1) and (2).
Notice the word "TERM" in the beginning of the definition to alert
you that it is a technical specific closed meaning to those words employed in
that section. Therefore, in all the entire code, that meaning stands unless
altered specifically. Now where that might be?
Turn to 26
U.S.C. 6103 (b) (5). Note after the word TERM is used it includes the word
MEANS. Nowhere else but one or two other places will you see the word “means”
used. Now they are telling you that for that section and that section only the
definition is expanded upon to include all the states in the Union as it names
them as such. You do not see this definition in 3121 (e) (1) and (2). Because
to do so, as stated in 7701 (a) it would be "manifestly incompatible with
the intent thereof." Be not so
fast to look at what the word "means" means. Just like Clinton argued
the word "is." Yes, words are used to kill you by IRS and this
government. From the 1828 American Dictionary this is very revealing as to why
they had to use "means" in 6103. The words of study are in bold.
MEAN. Pronounced ment. To mean, to
intend, also to relate, to recite or tell, also to moan, to
lament; The primary sense is to set or thrust forward, to reach, stretch or
So the use
of the word "means" to describe a different meaning to the United
States and State is required to make an expansion to the TERM United States and
State as found throughout the IR Code. If you will please note the use of the
word include is not to be found in 6103, whereas in all the other definitions
"include" appears. We all know that includes is argued back and forth
that it can be expansive. Well this proves includes is restrictive when the
word TERMS is employed, which in itself is a special "technical"
restrictive meaning. We all know that "includes” is defined as to shut up,
confine within and so forth.
Now go and read 3121 (e) (1) and (2) and you will
see "The term "State" includes" and "The term United
States when used in a Geographical sense." Geographical is explained in my
book Which One Are You, as it is another WORD OF ART.
Now when you
look at 7701 (a) (4) and (5) you can see the fraud by the use of TERMS rather
than words to define domestic and foreign. Remember, the entire set of laws
Titles 1 to 50 are designed to apply strictly to the United States and NOT to
the States in Union. It is to apply to government people and not to the people
in the States. It is to apply to "Domestic corporations" and NOT to
the "Foreign corporations" located in the States of the Union. Can
the statutes of Texas, Ohio, Florida or California apply to any other State or
to the United States? The answer is obviously not. Can the laws of the United
States apply to one living in the foreign states just mentioned? Obviously not
when the Case of John Barron was decided and since then all the other cases
where the Supreme Court stated the Bill of Rights was never to extend to the
people in the states as it was a Bill for ONLY the United States. That means
none of the laws or Constitution FOR the United States apply to the people of
the States.
Have fun in
reading the use of the words of art following the use of the TERM in any
definition in the Code or for that matter any other Title of the United States
code. You might want to see how your state uses the word TERM in its
definition. This is one reason why the kids of today starting in about 1974
have gone downhill so they could never begin to understand what was employed by
use of words that have an entirely different meaning than what they think they
mean in law. Always remember, there is a common use of a word and there is a
"legal technical" use of the word as stated by the Supreme Court
above. Now at the back of the U.S. Supreme Court Rule book at Rule 47 it says,
"The term
"State Court," when used in these Rules, includes the District of
Columbia Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico. See 28 U.S.C. Sections 1257 and 1258. References in 186
these Rules
to the common law and Statutes of a State include the common law and statutes
of the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico." This is
a prime example of deceit because" includes" is restrictive to the
terms defined which is State Court. Had this been properly designed to mean in
the very beginning the state courts of each of the 50 states it would say so
but it does not. It would have to be written this way if the word TERM was not
A "State Court" when used in these Rules means the 50 State
courts of the Union and includes the District of Columbia Court of Appeals and
the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
The original wording
is stating that besides the U.S. Supreme Court being the State Court so are the
other two. It does not mean any of the 50 State of The Union courts. I cannot
harp on this enough but by definition we people in the states are non resident
aliens and are not subject to the income tax unless falling under sections 871
to 877. See 26 U.S.C. Section 2 (d). No one or very few people heeded my words
on this in, Which One Are You, published over 12 years ago. People
called me crazy, but I knew the words employed and they refused to pick up a
dictionary to understand.
The IRS gets you on words of common meaning when
saying you are not a non resident alien because they ask, "don't you live
and work in the United States?" to which the man says "yes," not
realizing the IRS agent just stepped outside the legal technical"
definition of United States and applied it in common language. Read 871 to 874
and 7701 (b) (1) (B) and ask this. If I am a non resident alien and I make
money or carry on a trade or business within the United States am I subject to
an income tax? The answer is yes? Why? What United States are you referring to
that you work and receive income from? That's about all I can say; the rest is
up to educating yourself in the fine line of "Words of Art." But I
will include part of a Chapter from Which One Are You to digest.
The IRS is not a US
government agency it is an agency of the IMF (International Monetary
(Diversified Metal Products v I.R.S et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391)
(Diversified Metal Products v I.R.S et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391)
The IMF (International Monetary
Fund) is an agency of the
U.N. (Black's Law Dictionary
6th Ed. page 816)
The United States has
NOT had a Treasury since 1921
(41 Stat. Ch. 214 page 654)
(41 Stat. Ch. 214 page 654)
The U.S. Treasury is now
the IMF (International Monetary
Fund) (Presidential Documents
Volume 24-No. 4 page 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-2887)
The United States does
not have any employees because there is no longer a United States! No more reorganization.
After over 200 years of bankruptcy it is finally over.
(Executive Order 12803)
and all of the other alphabet gangs were never part of the U.S. government.
Even though the "U.S. Government" held stock in the agencies.(U.S. v Strang, 254 US491 Lewis v. US, 680 F.2nd, 1239)
Security Numbers are issued
by the U.N. through the IMF (International Monetary
Fund). The application for a
Social Security Number is the SS5 Form. The Department of the Treasury (IMF)
issues the SS5 forms not the Social Security Administration. The new SS5 forms
do not state who publishes them while the old form states they are Department
of the Treasury.
There are NO Judicial
courts in America and have not been since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes
and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes.
(FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat 138-178)
(FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat 138-178)
There have NOT been any
judges in America since 1789. There have just been administrators.
(FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1 Stat. 138-178)
(FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1 Stat. 138-178)
According to GATT (The General Agreement
on Tariffs and Trade) you MUST have a Social
Security number.
(House Report (103-826)
(House Report (103-826)
New York City is defined
in Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Guiliani stated on C-Span that
"New York City is the capital of the World." For once, he told the
(20 CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Chap. 111, subpart B 44.103 (b) (2) (2) )
(20 CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Chap. 111, subpart B 44.103 (b) (2) (2) )
Social Security is not
insurance or a contract. Nor is there a Trust Fund.
(Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619 Steward Co. v. Davis 301 US 548)
(Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619 Steward Co. v. Davis 301 US 548)
Your Social Security
check comes directly from the IMF (International Monetary Fund), which is an
agency of the United Nations.
(It says U.S. Department of Treasury at the top left corner, which again is part of the U.N. as pointed out above)
(It says U.S. Department of Treasury at the top left corner, which again is part of the U.N. as pointed out above)
You own NO property,
Slaves can't own property. Read carefully the Deed to the property you think is
yours. you are listed as a TENANT.
(Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session)
(Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session)
The Most powerful court
in America is NOT the United States Supreme court, but the Supreme Court of
Pennsylvania. (42 PA. C.S.A. 502)
The King of England
financially backed both sides of the American Revolutionary War.
(Treaty of Versailles-July 16, 1782 Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80)
(Treaty of Versailles-July 16, 1782 Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80)
You CANNOT use the U.S.
Constitution to defend yourself because you are NOT a party to it.
(Padelford Fay & Co. v The Mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520)
(Padelford Fay & Co. v The Mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520)
America is a British
Colony. The 'United States' is a corporation, not a land mass and it existed before the
Revolutionary War and the British Troops did not leave until 1796
(Republica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774)
(Republica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774)
Britain is owned by the
(Treaty of 1213)
(Treaty of 1213)
The Pope can abolish any
law in the United States
(Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol. 1, 53-54)
(Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol. 1, 53-54)
A 1040 Form is for
Tribute paid to Britain
(IRS Publication 6209)
(IRS Publication 6209)
The Pope claims to own
the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery. (Papal Bulls of 1495
& 1493)
The Pope has ordered the
genocide and enslavement of Millions of people.
(Papal Bulls of 1455 & 1493)
(Papal Bulls of 1455 & 1493)
The Pope's laws are
obligatory on everyone.
(Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix, c. vii, n. 4. Prati, 1844 Syllabus Prop 28, 29, 44)
(Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix, c. vii, n. 4. Prati, 1844 Syllabus Prop 28, 29, 44)
We are slaves and own absolutely
nothing, NOT even what we think are our children.
(Tillman vs. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten vs. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate Document 438 73rd Congress 1st Session, Wynehammer v. People 13 N.Y. REP 378, 481)
(Tillman vs. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten vs. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate Document 438 73rd Congress 1st Session, Wynehammer v. People 13 N.Y. REP 378, 481)
Military Dictator George
Washington divided up the States (Estates) into Districts
(Messages and papers of the Presidents Volume 1 page 99 1828 Dictionary of Estate)
(Messages and papers of the Presidents Volume 1 page 99 1828 Dictionary of Estate)
"The People"
does NOT include you and me.
(Barron vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore 32 U.S. 243)
(Barron vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore 32 U.S. 243)
It is NOT the duty of
the police to protect you. Their job is to protect THE CORPORATION and arrest
code breakers.
(SAPP vs. Tallahassee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, REiff vs. City of Phila. 477 F. 1262, Lynch vs. NC Dept. of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247)
(SAPP vs. Tallahassee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, REiff vs. City of Phila. 477 F. 1262, Lynch vs. NC Dept. of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247)
Everything in the
"United States" is up for Sale: bridges, roads, water, schools,
hospitals, prisons, airports, etc, etc... Did anybody take time to check who
bought Klamath Lake??
(Executive Order 12803)
(Executive Order 12803)
"We are human
(Executive Order 13037)
(Executive Order 13037)
The U.N.-United Nations has financed the
operations of the United States government for over 50 years (U.S. Department
of Treasury is part of the U.N. see above) and now owns every man, woman and
child in America.
The U.N. also holds all of the land of America in Fee Simple.
Source: http://home/
The good news is we don't have to fulfill "our" fictitious obligations. You can discharge a fictitious obligation with another's fictitious obligation. These documents are not secret; they are a matter of public record.
Simple words such as "person" "citizen" "people" "or" "nation" "crime" "charge" "right" "statute" "preferred" "prefer" "constitutor" "creditor" "debtor" "debit" "discharge" "payment" "law" and "United States" doesn't mean what we think it does because we were never taught the legal definitions of the above words.
The U.N. also holds all of the land of America in Fee Simple.
Source: http://home/
The good news is we don't have to fulfill "our" fictitious obligations. You can discharge a fictitious obligation with another's fictitious obligation. These documents are not secret; they are a matter of public record.
Simple words such as "person" "citizen" "people" "or" "nation" "crime" "charge" "right" "statute" "preferred" "prefer" "constitutor" "creditor" "debtor" "debit" "discharge" "payment" "law" and "United States" doesn't mean what we think it does because we were never taught the legal definitions of the above words.
Thirty-Seventh Congress.
U.S. Constitution
U.C.C. universal commercial code
U.S.C. united states code
U.N. united nations
I.R.S. Internal Revenue Service.
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