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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Time for Dumbest State Laws and City Ordinances.

     In this post, I thought it would be great to list more ways our tax dollars are wasted. Titled Dumbest Vehicle Laws. Laws created again by our government serving no purpose to public. Remember it costs $30,275,229 a day to run Congress. Each law they create may take up to 15 months to pass, you do the math. That's a lot of wasted tax dollars on worthless bills. So you can imagine the wasted city and county tax dollars on board meetings thinking up these stupid dumb vehicle laws.

1.     In New Jersey, Once Convicted Of Drunk Driving You May Never Again Have Personalized Plates. Ok, Now someone please explain to me how this law is punishing me. They cost anywhere from $50 to $100. So am actually going to save money by not being able to buy one, "sweet." Do they really think this is a deterrent to stop drunk driving? I can see it now, "Dude lets go. Hey man you can't drive drunk? Why not? Because if you get caught, your never be able to buy a personalized license plate. Oh ya, like that would really suck dude. Dame laws.

2.      In Denver, Colorado, it is illegal to drive a black car on Sunday. So I take it, there's not really a high demand at car dealerships for black cars.

3.      In Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, it’s legal to make love while parked. Police officers aren’t allowed to walk up and knock on the window. Any suspicious officer who thinks that sex is taking place must drive up from behind, honk his horn three times and wait approximately two minutes before getting out of his car to investigate. How great is this. No more flying to the front seat for your clothes like Superman. This may be the only reason I would ever go to Idahooooo.

4.     In Washington, it is mandatory for a motorist with criminal intentions to stop at the city limits and telephone the Chief of Police as he is entering the town. Now why would a crook want to do that fore?  What? some council member thought "Hey lets make it a law, if your going to commit a crime, you have to call us first to let us know, that way we can be their waiting to arrest you."

5.   In Tremonton, Utah, no woman may have sex with a man while riding in an ambulance. If caught, the woman can be charged with a sexual misdemeanor and "her name is to be published in the local newspaper." The man isn’t charged nor is his name revealed. Good thing they didn't mention Oral Sex. I just got bite on my dick by a poison snake, and need the female EMT to suck out the poison.

6.     In Hawaii, a resident who does not own a boat may be fined. What if those “law-breakers” just can’t afford a boat? What if those “criminals” just really do not care to bother with the upkeep and maintenance involved in possessing such a craft? Seems to me the only job to have their would be owning a boat dealership, never go out of business with this law.

7.     In Massachusetts, you can’t have a gorilla in the back seat of your car. But for argument’s sake, say you have a pet gorilla, and you want to take it with you wherever you go. The law doesn’t say anything about not having it in the front seat, so go ahead and buckle its seat belt!  The chance of you owning a pet gorilla is very slim to none so worrying about this ridiculous law isn’t even rational.

8.     In Florida, an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle. Now does this mean their 's a different way to pay a parking fee when it comes to animals?  Or maybe they just won't take a pound of peanuts to pay the fine.

9.     In Florida, Cape Coral- Its  illegal to park a pick-up truck in your driveway or in front of your house on the street. This law is limited to only those who do not own the house. So when you come home and fine a car in your driveway, you know your neighbor has company over.

        I had to save the best for last. The only way I see this happing is outside a bar at 3 a.m.

10.   In Oklahoma, Clinton- Molesting an automobile is illegal. So after that whole deal with Monica Lewinsky having sexual relations with Bill Clinton as President, I think their was an increase in vehicles being molesting by people sticking cigars up tail pipes. (Did I mention it was only to blue cars?) Oh well,  anyway its strange this city is named  Clinton, he must be so proud of this law.


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