Note about the Conveyance Bond (auto bond) - The „Auto Bond‟, certainly replaces typical „car insurance‟. State statutes state that one carries either „insurance‟ or a „Bond‟. Keep in mind that since the U.S. Bankruptcy,
1) all property was pledged to the state,
2) there is no lawful constitutional money in circulation to pay for anything, and
3) everything is insured or bonded! The debtor-slave on the plantation goes to a state licensed insurance company to „get‟ car insurance, enters into agreement with insurance company (co-business partner with the state) and you so-call pay with check, credit card or cash, which is reduced to or is „federal reserve notes‟.
Federal Reserve Notes, as stated by the Federal Reserve Bank states; “In the United States neither paper currency nor deposits have value as commodities. Intrinsically, a dollar bill is just a piece of paper, deposits merely book entries…” – Modern Money Mechanics – Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago – page 3 – Revised 6-1992; and B.), and as stated by the IRS; Federal Reserve Notes are valueless. (See IRS Codes Section 1.1001-1 (4657) C.C.H.) So what did the debtor-slave tender for the insurance? Valueless pieces of paper, or a piece a paper, a check, that is merely a bookkeeping entry somewhere that may result in more valueless paper to be tendered and/or certainly more bookkeeping entries sent somewhere. But what the debtor-slave tendered, he most likely „labored‟ for and yet he received nothing of equal valuable consideration (sweat labor for valueless pieces of paper). But in this insurance transaction, the State stays in control of all parties. And for the debtor-slave on the plantation, no insurance means at the traffic stop, a citation… commercial punishment which means more revenue for the state! As for the Secured Party Creditor, having laid the foundation of the knowledge and of the money issue, being the „Private Banker‟, either by previous agreement with the state, or otherwise can provide his own „Bond‟ as evidence if „Financial Responsibility‟.
The Bond is an insurance policy… acting as „in the event of‟ (an accident) “I promise to pay…” But Federal Reserve Notes are valueless „promises to pay‟, so when are you going to pay and in what? The Bond say‟s “…Every obligation, heretofore or hereafter incurred, whether or not any such provision is contained therein or made with respect thereto, shall be discharged upon payment, dollar for dollar, in any coin or currency which at the time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. Any such provisions contained in any law(s) authorizing obligations to be issued by or under authority of the United States, is hereby repealed.” The Bond is „Evidence of Financial Responsibility‟. Certainly the Secured Party Creditor will know how to handle such situations and will know how to „discharge‟ any liability there from via acceptance for value. Also note; at the traffic stop, the police officer does not have a „License‟ to practice law and therefore cannot make a legal determination as to the validity of the Bond. The Bond is to be recorded into the Public making it recognizable in any administrative tribunal/court.
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