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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

two separate governments—one a constitutional republic, the other a plenary oligarchy

Revelation 18:10 They will stand far off, in fear of her torment, and say, “Alas! Alas! You great city, you mighty city, Babylon! For in a single hour your judgment has come.”
Revelation 18:20 . . . you saints . . . for God has given judgment for you against her!”
Background – A visit with Judge Anna Reitz
If you think you learned a lot from other things I have shared, take the time to read the Final Judgment. The first section of the document, the actual “Judgment” is boring and legalistic, especially if you don’t know the full detail of all that has gone on and why each section of it is important. The second section beginning about page 10 which answers questions is what you need to read and understand. It gives you the down low of how they operate, some of the important mechanisms they use to steal from the populace, what motivates them, why the current situation is intolerable….
Armed with this new understanding, you will be much better prepared and enabled to look around the corners. Once people get the hang of the other side’s method of operating it will be much easier for them to recognize the criminality of “their” government. Simply recognizing the problem with clarity and knowing that it exists is the first step toward finding solutions.
Knowing the history of the thing gives you the confidence to proceed on solid ground. Most of all, knowing who you are and what your role is absolutely vital. So long as Americans remain mired in questions about their own authority and ability to act, they are paralyzed like deer in the headlights.
With a common understanding of who “We, the People” are, we naturally move forward without a lot of coordination. That is also part of the beauty of the Founding Concept.
Once people realize that they are sovereign, they are empowered to act and to choose what seems best to them. As a self-interested group, the vast majority of us agree on basic concepts like honest courts and respect for our natural rights, so as millions of Americans take up the work before them, there is an astonishing “common thread” running through all the raindrop- like individual actions. The Will of the People gets expressed. The “government” is then forced to listen.
It’s like we discussed yesterday— this present system of “representative government” has never worked well—- largely because it is impossible for anyone to truly present anyone else. When we don’t “show up” and govern ourselves, it becomes a government by omission, in which a tiny number of people (515 to be exact) merely presume that they wield the authority of 390 million. You can see for yourself that this is a patently flawed and crackpot proposition, and that it potentially serves to let those 515 people rule as petty despots over everyone else.
So long as the original Constitution was in place and being respected it kept them in check and many wise governmental “doctrines” were promulgated — equal representation under the law, equal footing for states admitted to the union, the Clearfield Doctrine, and many, many other halcyon principles were put in place to guide the operations of government. But once Congress “got out of the barn” and started operating its own separate little government controlling Washington, DC, Guam, Puerto Rico, etc., they discovered the pleasures of being plenary oligarchs instead of constitutionally empowered “representatives”.
This entire situate in dervies directly from the US Congress malfunctioning and scheming up ways to entrap otherwise free people into their “municipal” dominion,where they could use them as slaves and claim their assets as collateral backing the credit cards of the Congress members. The problem, to put it another way, is that “the United States of America (Minor)” composed of the “American” “states” of “New Columbia” (what they’ve called DC since 1984), Guam, Puerto Rico, et alia—-should not exist, should not be named anything so similar to The United States of America (Major) and should not be ruled as an oligarchy by Congress.
Our problem now is that the Congress has been ALLOWED (by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Insular Tariff Cases) to operate two separate governmentsone a constitutional republic, the other a plenary oligarchy—and to create two separate nations with two separate sets of law, all housed under one roof. In such a situation, one conflicts and competes with the other. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that given a choice of ruling over their fellow citizens as slavemasters was easier and more lucrative for the members of Congress than abiding by the limits of the Constitution and demeaning themselves as “public servants”.
We, the People, lulled into complacency by being able to hand off our responsibility for our own government to our “representatives” and trusting those representatives implicitly, stopped paying attention to what was happening in Washington, DC. Now we have awakened with a jerk and cold sweat in the middle of the night, wondering “What is going on here?”
Government by omission and presumption doesn’t work. Our government only functions correctly when we show up, en masse, and do our job.
I’ve just told you what is wrong and in the Final Judgment and Civil Orders we’ve provided a “reading list” of primary source documents that anyone can read and investigate and use to come to their own conclusions, which we are confident will not fall far apart from our own.
We have identified the problem. We have dug out the history and know exactly how it developed and who is responsible for it.
We have owned our own culpability for not dealing with it earlier. We have investigated our own roles, rights, and responsibilities. We are in the process of exercising our own empowerments. We have recognized the nature and limitations of the “federal government” as it now exists. We have located and identified the international Trustees who are also responsible for this mess. We have established that of the three international Trustees, the Office of the U.S. Postmaster is in Breach of Trust and so is ELIZABETH II, and only the Pope is responding as a Trusteeshould to assist in getting the ” runaway horse” —- Congress —- back in the barn.


That’s where it stands right now. The word is being passed and like water seeping through the cracks of a barrel, about fifty million American patriots are seeking their own ways and means to address the problem. They are forming groups, including jural societies. They are talking to their friends and neighbors and local officials. They are paying attention to what is happening in their own “STATE” legislatures as well as DC. They are working together in groups like this to put together the pieces of the giant jigsaw puzzle and yes, they are seeing the Big Picture emerge. That then gives everyone a road map of sorts, a common understanding of what the problem is.
Our most immediate brush fire is the economy and the monetary system which our predators are working hard to our detriment.

Immigration and Borders

The situation with the “Open Border” is emblematic. The UNITED STATES (INC.) is out of pocket. It can no longer just charge off the cost of whatever “services” it wishes to provide against the unwitting Americans, because the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc. ended in 2013. Their whole “false surety” scam has fallen apart and they haven’t yet been able to set it up again. So, how does the UNITED STATES, INC. make money? By providing governmental services. What do they do when Americans are not demanding enough governmental services? They create a need for more governmental services. So they invite millions of penniless Mexicans to swarm across our borders…..and they provide THEM services and charge US for the cost. If a lot of criminals come across the border or a lot of sick people, it’s even better from the prospective of the UNITED STATES, INC., because they have to round up and provide prison space for criminals and hospitals and medical services for sick people and caretakers for unaccompanied children, and so on and on.
The whole border situation right now is a gold mine for the UNITED STATES, INC.They look at it as a grand opportunity to force us to pay for their services.
Once you start looking at things from their perspective, it is quite easy to make sense of things that otherwise make no sense at all.
And you realize that since this whole situation is being caused by a private, for-profit governmental services corporation run amok, the cost of this debacle should be charged right back to the parent companies responsible for its mismanagement—- the IMF and the UNITED NATIONS. The IMF is an agency of the UNITED NATIONS, and the IMF owns and operates the UNITED STATES (INC.). Rather than arguing with Mr. Obama or Rick Perry about their misadministration of the UNITED STATES, INC. and its TEXAS franchise, we need to send the bill for it to their bosses, Christine LaGarde and UN General Secretary Ki-Ban Moon.
That’s just one example.

The Monetary System

The situation with the monetary system is even more important to address in an effective manner. The bank accounts of hundreds of millions of Americans have been unlawfully converted to the ownership of Puerto Rican ESTATE Trusts operated “in their names” by the IMF. Because the ESTATE Trusts have been left in the control of the IMF, all “our” bank accounts have been entrusted to their care, too. This is how and why Ms. LaGarde so casually discusses the prospect of “nationalizing” our retirement accounts—- that is, confiscating our bank accounts—-to benefit the IMF.
Take a look at what you think are “your” checks and you will see that the actual name on the account is in all capital letters—- which tells you that the account holder is some kind of corporation—- a commercial corporation, a trust, a foundation, a cooperative—some kind of legal fiction entity owns “your” bank account. Those of us who have investigated such matters know that “JOHN QUINCY ADAMS” is a Puerto Rican ESTATE Trust operated by the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico and owned by the IMF. The colluding banks have opened an account “in your name” and you have been deceived into depositing your private property into these accounts—-which the banks then “interpret” as a voluntary donation from an unknown source, collected by an unpaid volunteer employee of the ESTATE Trust, whose “Authorizing Signature” appears on the checks and who opened the bank account in behalf of the ESTATE. Don’t believe it? Take out a high powered magnifiying glass and look at what appears to be the signature line on your “personal” checks. You will see that it is a line of microprint endlessly repeating “authorizing signature” or other words to that effect.
Make no mistake— your savings and retirement accounts are at REAL risk—-simply because you have not been informed and you have not taken action therefore to claim and protect your own assets. You think they are “safe” in the bank and that there is no question that these assets belong to you, but in fact, they already belong to someone—or rather, “something” else—–an ESTATE Trust that the IMF pretends to be the beneficiary of.
All that is standing in the way of the IMF confiscating every checking, savings, escrow, and retirement account in America is the growing public knowledge of the situation and the fraud involved——and good old FRANCISCUS, the Pope, who has drawn a line in the sand and refused to stand by and let such a gargantuan theft occur on his watch as Global Estate Trustee.
The monetary system, the threat to your real estate and other assets, the commercial mercenary armies now masquerading as “federal agencies” on your state soil—-all of it derives from mismanagement and self-interested scheming promulgated by members of the “US CONGRESS” past and present. You have nobody to blame but yourself, because you delegated your authority to these yahoos to “represent” you and you have continued to delegate your authority to them long after any reasonable person would take them to the woodshed for more than a spring cleaning.

Action Item

So why not write to the local Voter Registration agency and inform them that you rescind any application they have on file for you and that you are not a “voter” but are instead an “elector”? Then write to “your” Congressional Delegation and tell them that they do not have permission to represent you. Explain that because of the deplorable and reckless endangerment they have caused to you and your assets you are firing them for cause.
The UNITED STATES, INC. is a commercial corporation under contract to provide you with governmental services. If you aren’t happy with the service, you have every right in the world to fire them. Do so with impunity. Write a letter to Ms. LaGrand advising her that you are the rightful beneficiary of all assets related to the (YOUR NAME IN CAPITAL LETTERS) ESTATE TRUST and that you do not appreciate her presumption that the IMF has any legitimate claim to your name or any of your other private property assets. Remind her that the UNITED STATES. INC. is under contract to provide you with lawful money, not ridiculous “debt notes” and that they have not done so, and so they are in contract default and culpable for the continuing misadministration of the banks and monetary system which you are owed.
Slam it to ‘em. Spread the word. Refuse to pay any taxes owed by a Puerto Rican ESTATE Trust. Refuse to pay mortgages owed by Puerto Rican ESTATE Trusts. While you are at it, send the local land records office—County Clerk, Recorder’s Office, etc.,— and tell them that you made a mistake and that you should never have filed any deeds or records related to property held in your name with their office. Instruct them that they are no longer to act in any trustee capacity related to you or your ESTATE and that they are “released” from any right or obligation to take any action related to mortgages, deeds, and other such records held in your NAME.
Tell the local bank that you never knowingly authorized them to set up any account for a Puerto Rican ESTATE Trust, that you were owed full disclosure, and that it was always your understanding that the account you opened with their institution was for your private use and that’s why you entrusted them with your private property deposits in the first place. Smile sweetly. Then withdraw the bulk of your credit from all accounts controlled by the commercial banks. Open up your own private “bank”to serve yourself and your neighbors. Use PayPal and similar services for online transactions. Buy Green Dot and other Buy-As- You-Go Credit Cards. Keep just enough in a checking account to pay current bills. Invest in real assets and let the buggers hang.
I hope you are getting an ear-full and an eye-full and that whatever else you are taking away from this discussion you now know that you are fully empowered to act “without representation” and that you are responsible for taking such actions as described above to peacefully and effectively stop the predators in their tracks.
We are dealing with rampant “government” sponsored criminality and fraud on an unimaginable scale. It requires awareness, prompt, effective individual action, and determination to succeed.
Get down to the bank. Start those discussions. Withdraw your money. Keep records of all correspondence. Anything you send to any “government” agency, send via Certified U.S. Mail, Return Receipt Requested, and keep copies of it all.
Advice for Social Security Recipients
Anyone receiving Social Security payments should write a polite letter informing the Social Security Administrators that (1) you paid for “retirement insurance” and medical coverage and you are not in receipt of any “charitable benefit” from them, and (2) you are vested in their system and grandfathered into it and owed the terms and services guaranteed at the time of your retirement and you do not accept any offer of change, including Obamacare. Finally, inform them that you do not grant them any Power of Attorney and that any presumption that you ever did knowingly give such authorization is mistaken on their part, and now that you are retired you decline any association with the Social Security Administration whatsoever, except that of an insured party and creditor owed good faith service.
Thank you, very much.
And finally, realize this— when you sign a document you are acting as an officer of a corporation. Real people have autographs.
So when you write a letter to these rats, write your name in all small letters and add a disclaimer immediately after it: “non-negotiable autograph, all rights reserved”.When you are signing something (because you sometimes have to) as the priority secured party creditor of the Puerto Rican ESTATE Trust, make sure you sign it in upper and lower case and add “non-negotiable signature of secured party creditor, all rights reserved” or words to that effect.

Response to the IRS

If you have to correspond with the Internal Revenue Service (run by the FEDERAL RESERVE) or with the “IRS” (run by the IMF) —make sure to get everything in writingnever offer to talk with any of their agents. These are private bill collectors working for the equally private governmental services company, and they are both working off different “sides” of the Puerto Rican ESTATE Trust.
The “Internal Revenue Service” holds the credit side of “your” ESTATE’s trust account under “your” Social Security Number being used as a “Taxpayer Identification Number” written like this: *123456789” with no hyphens. The “IRS” is working the debt side of the same account and uses the familiar account number: 123-45-6789.
The IRS is supposed to be direct billing the Internal Revenue Service and merely sending you “informational updates” regarding the status of the ESTATE Trust account, but what they do instead is to send you a “Billing Statement” which you then mistakenly assume is a real Bill because it looks like one, and also mistakenly assume is addressed to you, and so, you dig in your own pocket to pay it instead of telling the “IRS” — “Go collect the billed amount, one time only, from the Internal Revenue Service account.”
Most of the time the IRS does both— it collects from the Internal Revenue Service by direct billing, and then it just misappropriates all the money you “donate” to it.
Have you had enough of this crap? Are you ready to do something effective about it? Well, time to have a heart to heart “talk” with the members of the “US CONGRESS”and the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Internal Revenue Service and the Social Security Administration and the local bank and, and, and….. Fly, my monkeys, fly! Give them all back a small portion of what they’ve given you. Keep your temper under control at all times, no matter what. This is a cold business and your mood needs to be similarly cold, business-like, determined, and no nonsense. You are here to protect your interests and the interests of all other Americans.
Thanks to the work and research that has already been done, you can act with confidence and rely on the public primary source documents as proof. The rats have left a broad trail of evidence in their wake, and none of it can be denied. They have acted with criminal negligence and often with blatant criminal intent toward people who are owed good faith service.
AND THAT, is what the document entitled “Final Judgment and Civil Orders”addresses, Arnie. Sorry for the long rambling explanation….signed copies are available.
On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 3:28 AM, Arnie <

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