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Thursday, October 18, 2018



With respect to the 50 Union States, one of the defining principles we inherited from our founders was this unique

Structure of a Dual Sovereignty between the Union States, and the federation of Union States (given the moniker of United States). The fundamental objective of this Dual sovereignty was to maintain the balance of specific delegated powers which We the People surrendered to each of them to achieve an orderly society in the face of individual sovereignty. The federation, like each Union State, was created via a Constitution depicting its limited powers with absolute declarations that those powers not relinquished to the new federation, named the United States, because these powers were reserved for the (Union) States and the people respectively.

However, the Union States have not kept up their end of the bargain to maintain the balance of power and have unconstitutionally permitted themselves to become Federal States, thus forfeiting their Union State Sovereign status, making them each subordinate to the entity they helped create, namely the United States. At the same time as a result of this Subordinating of the Union States, the concept of a Dual Sovereignty was also destroyed, eradicating the political

Architecture our founders so painstakingly structured as a balancing mechanism for the various delegated Constitutional powers between the Federal Government and each of the Union States.

As for treatment, in our Republic the agencies of government have no access to individuals except those who have Contracted with said agency or who has been the subject of a complaint from another individual initiating a cause of action in the courts for some controversy or common law crime, trespass, fraud, murder, etc. However, whenever a cause of action is properly established, equal and just treatment is required and demanded by the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Amendments to the Constitution.

This brings about two doctrines which cover the total gambit of all human behavior. The Doctrine of Non-Existing Rights states that “no one has the right to interfere with or influence the life of another without his consent.” The corollary, The Doctrine of Rights states that “everyone has a right to do or act or conduct his affairs in any manner he chose so long as he does not interfere with the life of another without the other's consent." Together, these stated doctrines represent the “Doctrines of liberty.”

The first, and probably the most damaging blow to our Republic in the long term, was the passing of the Federal Reserve Act creating the privately owned Federal Reserve central banking system. One of the members of the Rothschild’s international banking family candidly stated around the turn of the 19th century that "if I can control a 12 It is interesting to note that one of our modern religions has its roots in mob rule, ala Pontius Pilate. Remember? Our founders did. 18 country's banking system, I care not who makes its laws." This may have been the real reason for the creation of the central banking system, the privately owned Federal Reserve System, but it was sold to the people as a "monetary stabilization" mechanism. 

However, aside from the fact that "monetary stabilization of fiat money" is an oxymoron, the newly created Federal Reserve System was anything but a mechanism associated in any way with "monetary stabilization." In sixteen (16) short years later, 1929, it brought the United States free market to its knees by first dolling out cheap un-backed paper debt, (we were on a gold standard at the time) and then abruptly recalling the debt, the interest of which had to be paid in gold to this newly created central bank, causing a collapse of the market wiping out most of our family fortunes and savings.

The second 1913 debacle was the ratification of the 16thAmendment, the "Income Tax" Amendment. However, in 1916 the Supreme Court ruled that the 16th Amendment created no new form of taxation. It said that the federal income tax was merely an indirect excise (or privilege) tax where taxable income (net profit) was the measure of the benefit from the exercise of the privilege and therefore the measure of the tax.13 Notice the concept of a privilege tax14. Rights are still not taxable, but scarcely anyone today understands this distinction.

Third, and probably the cornerstone of advancing the concepts of a Democracy, was the passing of the 17th Amendment changing how Senators were seated in Congress. The original Constitution specified that Senators as representatives of the interests of the individual states would consequently be appointed by the state legislatures. The 17thAmendment, while it didn't substantively change anything else, it provided that the Senators would be elected by the popular vote of the people. 

The Senate was designed by the architects of the Constitution to give the sovereign Union states equal representation in federal legislature alongside the sovereign people. Each, the Union states and the people, were sovereigns with respect to the federal legislature in the eyes of the Framers of the Constitution. While nothing in the 17th Amendment actually changed the responsibility of the Senators to represent their Union state as an entity represented in the Senate, the Senators themselves, now look to the people to maintain the ir appointed jobs and therefore have loyalty to none but the majority of the people. 

Consequently, the Union states themselves now have no voice in the federal government making the 17th Amendment the key spring board or the first shoe to drop in the effort to the establishment of a Democracy. It is a simple fact that a sovereign with no voice is not recognized and is therefore, by definition, not a sovereign.

While the obedience leg of the Power Trinity wasn't established overnight. The first “notch in the handle” occurred in 1933 when Congress declared that it was “against public policy for the people of the United States to own gold,” and the people obediently turned in their gold in exchange for paper. 

It is a little known fact among the citizens of this country that the Constitution gives the federal government, Congress, “exclusive legislative jurisdiction" only over Washington, D.C. and other federally owned lands where such jurisdiction has been transferred to it from the Union state in which the land was originally situated (See Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 and Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2). 

However, Congress has no delegated power to govern the people of or in any one of the various Union states that are party to the Constitution. When the people of the states obediently turned in their gold in exchange for private paper notes they sent a huge message of ignorant obedience to Washington, D.C. While we all know that ignorance of the law is no excuse; one must be ever mindful of the fact that it is actually preferred in matters of obedient performance. But even worse, where did the people go to turn in their gold for paper? Why they went to the private central Federal Reserve Bank, of course. NOW, who owns the gold?

Two years later: Congress passed the Federal Insurance Contribution Act, a.k.a. the Social Security Act. This "non -accidental" legislation was arguably the most nefarious and fraudulent assault on the sovereignty of the people and therefore the foundation of our Constitutional Republic. The people thought they were (or are) participating in a "federal old age insurance plan" but a simple reading of the statutes reveals the fact that it is nothing less than a deviously levied income tax measured by the wages of federal employees. (See Section 3101 of the Internal Revenue one contributes to Social Security, he not only pays an income tax measured by his wages, he makes a declaration that his wages are taxable income and therefore establishes prima facie that he is a federal taxpayer subject to all the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code including the other income taxes. Getting the people to participate in this camouflaged taxing scheme was another "notch in the handle" of the obedience leg of the Power Trinity.

Keep in mind that the Constitution forbids the federal government from taxing the people directly. But since the Supreme Court ruled that the income tax was a benefit tax and Social Security is a “benefit,” the payment of the Social Security deduction was presumed to be a voluntary participation in a federal benefit program for which a

Benefit tax (income tax) could be levied in exchange for the benefit. It only took us fifty (50) years to figure this out and most people, including many tax researchers, to this day fail to recognize this devious tax scheme.

The obedience leg of the Power Trinity. Keep in mind that the Constitution forbids the federal government from taxing the people directly. But since the Supreme Court ruled that the income tax was a benefit tax and Social Security is a “benefit,” the payment of the Social Security deduction was presumed to be a voluntary participation in a federal benefit program for which a benefit tax (income tax) could be levied in exchange for the benefit. It only took us fifty (50) years to figure this out and most people, including many tax researchers, to this day fail to recognize this devious tax scheme. In 1939 Congress passed the "non-accidental" legislation called the “Public Salary Tax Act" taxing its employees for the privilege of working for the federal government, but few people cared.

One, not that many people worked for the federal government in 1939 and two, those that did didn't mind the one or two percent tax on their salaries; after all they had many benefits working for the federal government worth more than this new tax, like full retirement, paid vacations, etc. The full impact of this "non-accidental" legislation would not be felt for another 15-20 years. Then the tax rate would be much higher, nearly 20 percent, and the number of federal government employees would be a significant percentage of the total labor force. Now what do we have? We now have a huge jealous federal bureaucracy assisting in the collection of an income tax mistakenly publicized to be imposed on the general population with the attitude that "if I have to pay, you have to pay," To help soften the general population to the acceptance of a general income tax, Congress in 1943 passed the "non accidental" Victory Tax Act capitalizing on the people’s patriotism to help finance the Second World War." It was to be a temporary "voluntary tax" which was to be refunded at the cessation of hostilities. But what it really accomplished was to get the general population accustomed to filing 1040 forms for those obedient enough to volunteer. However, one had to apply for the refund to realize the "promise" of the Act. At the cessation of

Hostilities everyone was so preoccupied with trying to put their lives and their families back together that no one remembered (and the federal government didn't remind them) to apply for their Victory Tax Act refund. Instead: the federal government simply proceeded as if the Victory Tax Act was still in force and the general population obediently continued to file form 1040's as if the income tax was here to stay. Aided by the "hype" of the Cold War, the Korean "police action", and the propaganda mechanisms of the press and the big business establishment (i. e. international corporations and international banking establishments) the final "notch in the handle" of obedience was now established.

This final concession of obedience where the individual citizens were obediently filing annual 1040 forms also carries with it the final leg of the Power Trinity - monitoring. Coupled with the mountain of morality legislation' (i.e. gun laws, drug laws, etc.) and the enforcement thereof together with another mountain of specific performance legislation (i.e. the required use of a Social Security number for a driver’s license, etc., the inferred requirement to file tax returns, etc.) to monitor the general population individually, the people have lost all semblance of sovereignty. They have become dependent, obedient, and monitored serfs on the land under full control of a self-appointed aristocracy. Sovereigns to serfs in forty (40) short years! We the People became Sovereigns in a Republic to serfs (subjects) in a Democracy. While the people have equal rights as provided by statute, they do not have unalienable rights as provide by Nature and Nature's God: while they have equal opportunity as provided by statute, they do not have unlimited opportunity limited only by their own personal capabilities and desires as declared by the Declaration of Independence; and while they get equal treatment as provided by statute, they are not treated as sovereigns who are,

By, definition, permitted to go about their daily business as they see fit. As subjects under a Democracy the people are obligated to specific performance as defined by statute, as sovereigns under a Republic there is no concept of specific performance by statute, only such performance as mutually agreed to by contract with fellow sovereigns. The road from a Republic to a Democracy can be symbolized by the allegory of a Frog. If you put a frog in a pan of very hot water he will jump out. However, if you put a frog in a pan of cool water and gradually apply heat to it, he will not only not jump out, he will sit there in the pan as the water is gradually heated to boiling, thereby tolerating being thoroughly "cooked to perfection." the journey was a slow stroll spanning multiple generations and the people never became aware of the gradual erosion of their sovereign status. 

They became dependent, obedient, and monitored subject class citizens thoroughly "controlled to perfection." And finally, reread above on page 11 what our founders had to say about “democracies:” The Constitution says that “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same Act, or on Confession in open Court.” Any attempt to covertly alter a nations political structure is an Act of War because it is an attempt to replace the power structure in office prior to the attempt and thus occupy the nation with an

Alien or foreign power, thus, any attempt to alter the political structure of this Constitutional Republic to that of a Democracy is attempting to replace the Sovereign Citizens and the Sovereign Union States with Peon Serfs for the purpose of Occupation. Occupation is an Act of War, Consequently, any person who openly declares the this Constitutional Republic is a Democracy is openly admitting that they are aiding and abetting an Alien construct to destroy the very essence of this Country which was created to protect and preserve the Liberty of the sovereign Citizens.

To say this Country is a Democracy is an attempt at Alien occupation. Since occupation is an Act of War any such reference to this Country as a Democracy is an Act of Treason, particularly if it is made by an elected official or a person running for public office. It should be easy enough to find two Witnesses.

There exists in many of the Union States a desire by some of its legislators to rid their Union State of the shackles of much of the recent federal legislation and, in effect, return their Union State to its rightful Constitutional Sovereign Statehood status. upon ratification of the Constitution, did not consent to become mere appendages of the Federal Government. Rather, they entered the Union "with their sovereignty intact." Blatchford v. Native Village of Noatak,

501 U. S. 775, 779 (1991). [Emphasis added] An integral component of that "residuary and inviolable sovereignty," The Federalist No. 39, p. 245 (C. Rossiter ed. 1961) (J. Madison), retained by the States is their immunity from private suits. Reflecting the widespread understanding at the time the Constitution was drafted, Alexander Hamilton explained:

States, in ratifying the Constitution, did surrender a portion of their inherent immunity by consenting to suits brought by sister States or by the Federal Government. See Alden v. Maine, 527 U. S. 706, 755 (1999). Nevertheless, the Convention did not disturb States' immunity from private suits, thus firmly enshrining this principle in our constitutional

"The leading advocates of the Constitution assured the people in no uncertain terms that the Constitution would not strip the States of sovereign immunity." Id., at 716. (Emphasis added). 

Now you have the true information. What are you going to do with it, is the question?

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