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Saturday, September 28, 2019


SEPTEMBER 28, 2019


People who question his statement have no clue about business management. They will not make a pill to solve your ailment. If they did, you would not come back to buy more.
For every pill made for an ailment, there are ten or more side affects causing death or causing more medical problems worse then your original problem. Pills are designed for you to keep coming back for more. SUCKERS.

Here how they get people thinking they need to take a pill. Example and true story. Viagra, after ten years on the market the sales/profit dropped at a steady rate. They needed another gimmick to sell viagra. For six months, they aired TV commercials marketing towards womens sex problems.

After six months of women seeing commercials about sex problems and a pink pill was in processed of being made to fix womens sex problems. Women who had no problem started thinking they did have a problem. The commercial reprogramed women's brain thinking they had a problem. After six months, the speciality new invented pink viagra pill for women hit the markets.

Only one problem, the pink viagra pill for women wasn't anything special. It was the exact same pill they gave to the men. They just changed the blue color to pink and sold it as the wonder drug for women. Male and female Viagra contain a common substance – sildenafil

I don't take any pills. Your body doesn't need them. You want to heal your body? Change your diet, eat any one of over 20 foods that kill cancer cells. Use only natural substances. Your body will heal itself if given the proper ingredients.
Just like the cure for Cancer. The cure for cancer has been found and made years ago. But your never be able to buy it or get your hands on it unless your a family member belonging to one of the top ten wealthiest families. Cancer is a multi-Billion dollar a year business. Not to mention the Billions of dollars donated by people to help find a cure which they already have. SUCKERS.
Another example and ( No. 1 money maker) "Chemotherapy". Is the biggest scam and Multi-Trillion dollar a year business and leading cause of death in cancer patients. 97% of patients receiving chemo die, not from the cancer, but die from the chemo which kills all your perfect organs, and the Doctors know this. Only 3% of the patients survive.
Another example would be the U.S. President. The president is not in charge of anything. He is nothing but a CEO for U.S. Corporation Inc. A corporation owned by foreign investors, and the top wealthiest American families. U.S. President job is to make money for the owners of U.S. not to try and find ways to make citizens life easier.

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