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Saturday, June 29, 2013


     Our U.S. Congress Profligacy spending of a surplus that doesn't exist, continue  spending our tax dollars Prodigiously like their own piggy bank. Their is more waste than you can imagine. I plan on showing America just how the U.S. government is the worlds biggest  MAFIA.

                        THE U.S. GOVERNMENT  WASTES
                            $400 BILLION A YEAR
                                    Eliminating that could mean a
               40 percent cut in your personal income tax!

      Murders, Fraud, Drug smuggling, Weapons smuggling, Money laundering, Tax evasion. It's Congress number one priority, to push us into a depression by excessively throwing away our hard-earned tax dollars. Little has been done to eradicate it. Why? Because the U.S. $17 trillion dollar debt is not being used to help the American people, its going into Congress personal pockets and the company's they own. 

                Taxpayers pay $26 million for the presidential
            conventions--including LIQUOR and entertain-
            ment. Guess who's not invited, YOU.

     Think about it. If Congress spent $17 trillion dollar (our U.S. debt) in America, people would not be depended on government welfare to help them live day by day or just enough to make it to the next month. 

                 Welfare still costs us over $400 billion a year
             through 81 different programs--with no
             Central Computer to keep track of money.

     There are 127 teenage programs being handled by fifteen different federal agencies, a prodigiously duplication  of overlapping programs that thrives on a special variety of waste, all doing the same thing. Teen programs cost $4 billion a year, twenty two programs to treat substance abuse are located in thirteen different federal agencies each with its own staff and budget. Why not combine all 127 programs to only 4. Thus eliminating 13 agencies and 22 programs.

1. Drug Abuse
2. Alcohol Abuse
3. Violence
4. Job Training

       Close down the other 123 programs in the fifteen agencies and save $3.5 billion a year.

     Cities would not be filing bankruptcy if Congress returned the $400 billion tax dollars wasted back to our states. How much more can we stand. I will expose the billions of our tax dollars Washington waste daily.  I will also show you a plan titled Phase 1 "A ROAD TO A NEW AMERICA"  that needs to be done quickly to create a Washington free of wasteful spending and corruption.

Phase 1 "A ROAD TO A NEW AMERICA" Is in the making. I will post it sometime in the first week of August. Thank You.


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