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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Free Breakfast for Congress

Congress. The very people looking into government waste find they themselves are wasteful. "We're bankrupt, this country is bankrupt, and people just don't want to admit it. For Starters in 2012, we the taxpayer's pay for their breakfast. “Congress is spending an awful lot of money to entertain their members.”
House Spent About $2M of Taxpayers’ Money on Coffee, Pastries.
House of Representatives spent nearly $2 million on coffee and food in 2012 for events in and around the Capitol. Republican House Speaker John Boehner spent $64,000. Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi spent $61,000. and No. 2 Democrat Steny Hoyer spent $52,000.
The biggest spender in the House was No. 3 Republican Kevin McCarthy of California. On his Facebook page, pictures of meetings include fruit, bagels, croissants and coffee. McCarthy’s 2012 grand total – $95,000, with an additional $4,000 being spent on bottled water.
 Americans should ask their leaders to buy their own coffee and pastries.
“We are in an age of austerity and sequestration and budget cuts,”  “It seems like if you are looking for places to cut, the entertainment budget would be the first one you would go to.”



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