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Monday, July 1, 2013

Time for Dumbest State Laws and City Ordinances.

Talk about wasted tax dollars. These laws should have never made it to the board room. The people who bring these laws to the table should be taken off the board for wasting time and money.
Dumb Laws for the home.
  1. You cannot use a dish towel to dry china in the state of Oregon or in Minneapolis. Letting china air-dry is the only allowable way.
  2. In Florida, you're in trouble if you shatter more than three dishes per day, or chip the edges of more than four cups and/or saucers. I can see it now, "What you in for? I dropped a dish."
  3. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,  doesn't care what you do with your rug outdoors. But in your home, it's a crime to sweep dirt under it. I wont tell if you wont.
  4. Donkeys may not sleep in bathtubs in Brooklyn, New York.
  5. Lawmakers in the state of Virginia and in Canton, Ohio, must not want their citizens to bathe: Indoor tubs are against the law.
  6. You can't sleep with your shoes on in North Dakota. I would love to have this on my criminal record.
  7. Don't tackle those home-improvement tasks on a Sunday, or you'll be afoul of the law: painting your house in Passaic, New Jersey; filling nail holes with putty in Schenectady, New York; mowing your lawn in Santa Fe, New Mexico; or disturbing the peace with a leaf blower in Hawaii. "Really!" filling nail holes with putty. Fine I'll do it Monday.
  8. You may not sleep on top of, a refrigerator in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  9. California requires "housewives" to boil their dust rags or risk jail time.
I saved the best one for last. What every married man wish he could do and get away with it, because it's the law.
  10.  In Iowa, a man can bar his mother-in-law from his home without explanation.


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